ALOHA! Whether it is a baby shower, girls’ night out or birthday party, this flamingo-inspired theme can be fun for everyone. Here are the details from our Baby Shower Flamingle!
Invites, Printables & Thank Yous
We created our invitations using HP Photo creations. They have so many great templates to choose from. It made it easy to find something that fit our theme. We used the HP invitation set to print out the invites and our HP Envy 7640 printer. The venue where we had the event was so cute already that it didn’t need much décor, but we printed out some fun flamingo printables we found online to put on the food and activity tables. We used the HP Photo Creations to make our Thank Yous as well and used a picture from the evening to add a personal touch. We emailed this one instead because baby could come any day and we wanted to make sure we got those thank you notes out!
Food & Décor
For the party, we served appetizers and dessert since it was in the evening. We coupled it with a drink station where guests could have some rose, pink lemonade and then drink it with the fun pink flamingo straw. There’s just something about drinking out of a flamingo straw that makes everything more fun! Here’s the how-to for the flamingo straws
Guests loved the pineapple and sausage skewers we made. We simply cut up and cooked the sausage. Diced the pineapple and then put them on a toothpick. We used the outside of the pineapple for our flower vases, but if you are short on time, you can always buy precut pineapple. You can even cook the sausage with a BBQ sauce. We also used a flamingo cookie cutter and cut up watermelon. For dessert, Kelli made these amazing pineapple sugar cookies and flamingo rice krispy treats. Both were such a hit! Here’s the how-to for both.

Flamingo rice krispy treats, pineapple sugar cookies, flamingo watermelon & sausage/pineapple skewers
Our friend, Amy from Twin Treats made this gorgeous pink ombre cake for baby girl as well as blood orange cream parfaits, snickerdoodle cupcakes and lemon brownies. We love fresh flowers and loved the inspiration we saw on Pinterest to put the flowers in a pineapple vase. This is easier said than done! You have to core the pineapple, which can be tricky and messy. Also, once you cut the pineapple, you will have probably cut holes in the bottom like we did. So we recommend putting a cup inside the pineapple with water or waiting until your event to put the flowers in. We got the flowers at Aldi’s for $3.99 a bunch! Not only were they cute, but they lasted for a whole week after the event.
While we wish we could say that we made the flower wall backdrop, we have to give credit to the amazing Tania Fischer! The backdrop was perfect for guests to use as a photo wall. Part of being a good party planner is knowing what you can make, what to buy and what to delegate.
We’ve all been there, we are at a party or shower and they want to play a game. While most of them are harmless and fun, for some it can be overwhelming to have to play a game with complete strangers. The last few showers I have attended either didn’t have a game or did more of an activity. It was a refreshing take to the party experience. Guests could participate if they wanted to or they could just mingle with other guests and catch up with the guest of honor. Here are the highlights from the headband and coaster making stations.
Gift Bag

Giftbag items: Bridgewater candle, nail polish, Babyganics hand sanitizer, Lansinoh lanolin, and Cheers cup
What is a party without a little treat for the guests! We shared some of our favorite items with our guests. Head over to our Instagram to win one for yourself! We love Bridgewater candles because not only do they smell great, but each candle purchased feeds a child for one day. We can’t go anywhere without our Babyganics hand sanitizer. The small size lets us throw it in the diaper bag, carry it in our purse or put it in the stroller. While our guests might not be breastfeeding, we still wanted to give them Lansinoh lanolin. It has several practical beauty uses including helping with dry skin, cracked lips and even can be used as a hair conditioner.
Thank you’s!!
Location: The venue, Mint Studio was the perfect setting. It is a DIY craft studio where you can take classes for a specific item that you want to make or just drop in and craft. If you are ever in San Diego, make sure that you check them out.
Photography: The Better Business Babe
Cake and mini treats: Twin Treats
Flower Wall: Tania Fischer Design Store
We are part of the HP Smart Mom Panel and were gifted HP Envy 7640 printer. We were also gifted a gift certificate to Aldi’s. We were given Babyganics, Lansinoh lanolin, and Bridgewater candles to share with our guests. All of our thoughts and opinions are our own.