From comedy in the Wedding Crashers, to fashion in Confessions of a Shopaholic, to romance in The Great Gatsby, Isla Fisher shines on-screen and in her latest film Keeping Up with the Joneses, the British-Australian actress hilariously navigates both suburbia and the secret spy world.

In real life Fisher is married to Sacha Baron Cohen, better known as Borat or Ali G, and they have three kids together – daughters, Olive and Elula, and son Montgomery. Storytime is important in their household and Fisher shares, “I think story time opens up family discussion and unlocks creativity in kids which leads to innovation and more importantly tiny people get the opportunity to go to the moon, or go inside in a picture, climb a mountain and they can escape and have this amazing fantastical life.”

Fisher has been making up bedtime stories for her children every night since they were born and that is how she invented the character of Marge. She was inspired to turn her tale into a book after her family kept requesting more of this eccentric babysitter. With the target of young people age 5-8 in mind, Marge in Charge was created. The first book came out overseas this summer and we can expect to be able to bring it into our homes next year.

When talking about the comedic book series Fisher says, “there isn’t much comedy for them [younger kids]. There are a bunch of wonderful writers but not really until they [children] get to age 8 do you get Jeff Kinney [Diary of a Wimpy Kid]… David Williams or Roald Dahl [Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Matilda]. Marge is for the youngsters to help them develop a love for reading which in my opinion will keep them happy their whole lives.”    

Fisher shared this picture on her Instagram account when received her Marge In Charge books with the hashtag #proudmoment. While books hit stores in the U.K. over the summer, fans in America will have to wait until next year to up their copy in the U.S. 

There are three stories within: Marge Babysits, Marge at the Birthday Party, and Marge at Large in School.



Storytime with Isla Fisher

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