While we’re waiting for the weather to feel like Spring, there are many fun ways to embrace the season from whale watching and backyard games, to sports and of course Easter activities. Here are some creative ways to Save and Splurge.
Whale Watching Season
10,000 Humpback whales migrate from Alaska and the North Pacific each Spring with peak watching time being now through end of April. They swim more than 10,000 miles, have a built in navigation system and sing! Another fun fact is there are so active because they are actually mating and giving birth at this time of year. As a family we love to learn about whales through crafts and excursions.
SAVE // We’ve curated whale crafts and found awesome free templates from SimpleEveryDayMom at 12 Fun Whale Crafts for Kids. We made the paperbag humpback whale and also loved making the whale headbands for the kids to wear. This allows for some hands-on learning that can later turn into imaginative play too.

SPLURGE // The best way to appreciate whales is watching them in the ocean on an excursion. And the best place to whale watch is Ka’anapali Beach. The gentle giants put on a magical show off the shores of Maui. Whales can be seen from the sand, your hotel room, or a boat tour.
We had an incredible experience aboard Teralani Sailing Adventures as they make it an exciting learning experience with a marine naturalist on board each trip. Additionally we could actually listen to the whale songs live on their underwater hydrophone. The catamaran adventure is a must when planning activities on your next trip to Hawaii.

Fun in the Sun: Active Outdoors
SAVE // Take advantage of the sun being out! From hiking to biking or a day at the beach, make sure to have your sun protective clothing so don’t have to buy sunscreens over and over. We love Coolibar. With UPF 50+ built into the fabric, we know we are staying safe while also looking stylish. Tested more than any other brand, endorsed by experts worldwide and recommended by dermatologists, Coolibar industry-leading fabrics block 98% of UVA/UVB rays to provide you with ultimate UPF 50+ protection guaranteed for the life of the garment as set by ASTM/AATCC standards. The protection also won’t wash out or lessen in the chlorinated water.
Even when it is overcast, the sun and its intensity can be deceptive. It was pretty shocking for us to learn that one in five Americans will develop skin cancer over the course of a lifetime, and there is a 300% increase in skin cancer incidences over the past 40 years!
Plus we love the feel of the fabrics and the ease at which we can still do everything from play soccer to chase bubbles, ride bikes and build sand castles. And Coolibar isn’t just for the kids! They have so many great fashion options for adults too. We love that we are sun safe whatever activity we do outside.

SPLURGE // One way to splurge is to build your backyard game collection with oversized games like Sorry, Candyland and Yahtzee. We turn to Macy’s because they have so many great options for games from kids through adults. One family favorite is the Oversized Yahtzee because the dice are so big and and we get pretty competitive so it’s great to burn off energy on the grass. We also love these oversized games because you can bring them to the park or beach and play with friends too. The fun doesn’t have to stop when the sun goes down, Macy’s has lots of great glow-in-the-dark game sets like Black Series Darts and Slam Ball so the fun can continue into the night. It’s just another fun way to get your family in the backyard playing games together. Don’t forget about classics like Bocce, Connect Four and tumbling towers that require a little skill and provide a whole lot of fun. These are great to create tournaments too with family, friends or neighbors. Macy’s is the perfect spot to secure all!

Easter Hosting & Activities
SAVE // A creative twist on the Easter Egg hunt is to do a scavenger hunt. Rather than fill lots of eggs with candy that they may or may not eat, instead, put a clue in each egg that leads to the next one and then have it end with a golden egg or a special gift. If the kids are older you can make the clues more challenging. You can even make the clues physical or problem solving challenges that they have to complete before they receive the next clue. We like doing our egg hunt while the adults are prepping the food as it gives the kids something to do. This can be a fun time for cousins and friends to work together rather than fighting over who can get the most eggs

SPLURGE // Of course there are a lot of hotels and restaurants that offer everything from bunny teas to Easter Sunday buffet brunches and those would definitely be a splurge. But an in between idea that we like to consider is hosting the Easter meal at home and add florals like a lavendar garland for the table or centerpieces that wow. Balsam Hill has the most realistic florals we’ve seen and the bonus to adding their arrangements to your collection is that now you get beauty for much longer than just the holiday event. Plus if you’re going to a friend or family member’s home for Easter, Balsam Hill Spring Decor makes for a great hostess gift or basket idea too.