Baby girls! We’re all having them this year… Jeffrey Dean Morgan and his wife Hilarie Burton gave birth to their daughter in February, Dwayne Johnson and his wife are due to have their third daughter this month, and Family Entourage co-founder Kelli Gillespie is expecting their baby girl in August. What an exciting 2018.
So when given the opportunity to sit down with both Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Dwayne Johnson as they co-star in the new film Rampage, of course we had to talk about the father-daughter bond.
Morgan has an 8 year old son which he said is “no problem.” But went to say he could a little girl was going to be a problem. To which Johnson quickly said, “It is game over for you. It is game over.”

Jeffrey Dean Morgan with his newborn daughter and (r) with his 8 year old son. Instagram: @jeffreydeanmorgan @hilarieburton
Johnson currently has two daughters and one due late April. He jokes, “I can’t make boys!” But then proceeds to talk about the special bond between dads and daughters and how excited he is for both Morgan, and Gillespie. Gillespie and her husband have a 3 year old son but this will be their first girl.

(l to r) Dwayne Johnson with his 16-year-old daughter Simone, with his 2-year-old daughter Jasmine, and his baby announcement. Instagram: @therock
Johnson went on to ask Gillespie if she had a named picked out for the baby and when she replied, “Not yet…” He was quick to offer an option. Watch the video to hear what he had to say and Morgan’s reaction to Johnson not offering him the option with his daughter. You’re guaranteed to laugh!